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Public officials were suborned against Matayevs

29 march 2016

There was a pressure on some public officials of Committee of Information and JSC "Kazakhtelecom". It aimed at receiving of relevant evidences. Some former officials of Committee of Information and JSC "Kazakhtelecom" said about it anonymously.

According to words of public officials, officers of National Bureau of Anti-Corruption of Kazakhstan said to them, that they should control their activity in Committee of Information and JSC "Kazakhtelecom" and find something certainly. If they slandered Matayevs, News Agency "KazTAG" and National Press Club, they would be out of investigation under article 65

Lawyers said, that in the morning on March 25, 2016 former and acting heads of Committee of Information and JSC "Kazakhtelecom" from Astana. Most of them refused to give evidence against Matayevs after that, they were detained and sent to the temporary detention facility. There was only one man, who agreed to give evidence against Matayevs; he was not detained.

The Committee for Support of Matayev believed, that it was connected with petition of lawyers, related to termination of a case for absence of fact of crime. It was submitted for General Prosecutor's Office on March 18, 2016. 

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