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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Members of IFEX appealed to the President of Kazakhstan It was connected with case of Seitkazy Matayev

18 march 2016

IFEX’ members have appealed and sent their letters to the President and Prosecutor-General of the Republic of Kazakhstan. They expressed their deep concern about actions of law-enforcement agencies with regard to Chairman of Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan and Head of National Press Club Seitkazy Matayev.  

They thought, that it was suspicious the coincidence of actions, related to charge of Seitkazy Matayev with embezzlement on a large scale, evasion of the payment of taxes and requirement for demolition of the high floors of building of National Press Club; National Bureau of Anti-Corruption called Seitkazy Matayev criminal before court.

IFEX’ members asked Prosecutor-General of the Republic of Kazakhstan to conduct investigation of charges brought against S. Matayev regardless of National Bureau of Anti-Corruption which demonstrated a lack of fairness in this case and he should make known all circumstances of requirementsfor demolition of the high floors of building of National Press Club. 


They asked President and Prosecutor-General of the Republic of Kazakhstan to take measures, in order to drop targeted pressure on Seitkazy Matayev and guarantee personally conduction of clear and fair investigation of his case with observance of all his rights which are stipulated by law of Kazakhstan and international law.  

There were some NGOs which signed this appeal:

Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (Canada);

Cartoonists Rights Network International (USA);

Free Media Movement (Sri Lanka)

ElectronicFrontierFoundation (USA);

Institute for the Studies on Free Flow of Information (Indonesia);

Media Institute for Southern Africa (Namibia);

Pacific Islands News Association (Fiji);

PEN American Center (USA);

PEN Canadian Center (Canada) and etc.   

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