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Court has sentenced Narymbaev and Mambetalin to deprivation of liberty and prohibited to fulfill public activity

29 january 2016
We would like to remind you, that on January 22, 2016 Judge of Almalinsk District Court (Almaty)Maral Dzharilgasova has voiced sentence, related to case of public figures Ermek Narymbaev and Serikzhan Mambetalin, they were charged under article 174 p.1 “Incitement of National Enmity” of Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan for repost in social network “Facebook”.

Ermek Narymbaev was sentenced to three years of deprivation of liberty, Serikzhan Mambetalin was sentenced to two years of deprivation of liberty. The court has prohibited them to fulfill public activity within five years. 

On January 26, 2016 over the course of the press conference, human rights defender Eugene Zhovtis commented additional punishment. In his words, there was no high standard of legal definition “public activity”. This term included majority of civil rights, guaranteed by Constitution and thus sentence contravened to the fundamental law of Kazakhstan. 

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