Newspaper "Version" What should they pay for? What should they publish a retraction?
October 28, 2015 Board of Appeals of Pavlodar Oblast Court has upheld judgment of City Court which was awarded by suit of Director of School № 27 Zhumabek Asylov and Head Teacher Rauza Zhakupova, they have filed a suit against owner of newspaper "Version" its correspondent Alfiya Tashimova and resident of Pavlodar Zhanar Abakhanova. Defendants should publish a retraction of untrustworthy information which was published in the article "Lessons of Profit" and recover KZT700000 (1USD=279.21) as moral damage compensation.
The question is still open. What kind of information does not correspond with reality?
The article had information on trial between teachers of secondary school №27. The plaintiff Rauza Zhakupova and defendant, teacher of Kazakh language Zhanar Abakhanova had an opportunity to tell own version of situation which took a place. The journalist Alfiya Tashimova has attended a trial, where she heard positions of head teacher and teacher and represented in the form of direct speech. Trial participants acknowledged, that newspaper published their opinion accurately and without distortions. After termination of court case newspaper "Version" informed about outputs of trial to its readers in the article "Head teacher is perfect!"
A year ago, shortly after arrest of editor of the newspaper "Version" Yaroslav Golyshkin, head teacher and director of school have filed a suit about protection of honour, dignity and business reputation. The deputy head teacher thought, that words of her opponent which were mentioned in article (in particularly, this article was published a year ago) tarnished her honour and dignity, schoolmaster was unsatisfied by lines from article "however, suit would be finished, business reputation of secondary school № 27 and educational system of Pavlodar was tainted. Teachers demanded recovery of KZT10000000 from editorial staff of newspaper as moral damage compensation; journalist should publish a retraction.