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Journalists of three media outlets failed to collect materials

21 october 2015

They covered trial on women-car enthusiasts, who hit a four-month child (in particularly, a small child was crushed to death by car)in Nauryzbai District Court of Almaty. There was an open trial and journalists publicly put their switched on dictaphones on witness-stand. When secretary asked everyone to leave court room that both parties could discuss variant of compromise face to face; correspondents, judge and the other persons, who attended this trial, they came out into the corridor. They came back, but there was no any dictaphones on witness-stand.   

After trial, they attempted to find out occurence of their dictophones. The judge and secretary did not know, who took their dictaphones. Then, journalists called police in. After that, judge Ulan Esbergenov returned their dictophones and said, that prosecutor took them. But, prosecutor did not acknowledge it. All dictaphone records of journalists were expunged. In particular, correspondent of Today.kz lost about sixty materials.  

The correspondent of Informburo.kz Serikzhan Mauletbai said, that they asked to qualify this case as interference to legal professional activity of journalist with malfeasance under article 158 of Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.  On October 21, 2015 Today.kz.informed, that incident with journalists which took a place in Nauryzbai District Court of Almaty has been investigated under article 188 "Theft" of Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


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