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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Murat Telibekov never published scandalous text about Kazakh people

15 october 2015

The story of criminal prosecution for text which was disseminated in Internet (in particularly, it was written by Kazakhstan's Publicist, Head of Union of Muslims of Kazakhstan Murat Telibekov) had unexpected continuation. Ex-Leader of Party "Rukhaniyat" Serikzhan Mambetalin and civil activist Ermek Narymbaev were detained for seventy-two hours on October 14, 2015, they were arrested for two months on October 15, 2015. KazTAG informed, that it was connected with information on spread of material which had signs of imcitement of national enmity offence of national honour and dignity in social networks. They were suspected of having committed the crime provided under article 174 "Incitement of national, tribal, social and religious enmity" of Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. According to the place of their residence  searches were conducted, they were sanctioned by prosecutor. As a result of it, material evidences were confiscated. According to on-line media and some media outlets informed, that Ermek Narymbaev was charged with dissemination of thesises of Murat Telibekov's book "Wind From Street". There was no any scandalous fragment in the book "Wind From Street" by M. Telibekov which was published in 1993. The criminal case was opened with regard to him upon complaint of 11 persons, who empowered themselves to protect national honour; it was suspended, because law-enforcement agencies searched real spreader of disputable text. Not all patriots understood this text which was published by anonyms as offensive one. The President of International Kazakh Pen Club, Writer and Publicist Bigeldy Gabdullin, for example compared it with "Words of Admonition" by Abai Kunanbaev.


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