Сөз бостандығын қорғау халықаралық қоры
Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Television channel "KTK" was charged with violation of family and personal secret

14 october 2015

Sovetkhan Myktybekova thought, that in package, dated 19 September, 2015 journalists spread information on family and personal secret in spite of her flat denial to appear in television broadcasting. 

The disputable material has been demonstrated in talk show "Nasha Pravda"; there was discussion of themes of life of tokal (in particularly, second wife with regard to grand wife), legal rights and applience of institution of levirate. The lead character of television program told about her personal life. The plaintiff did not participate in television programm, there was no any information on her and her family. However, Sovetkhan Myktybekova demanded to admit fact of violation of rights of her family, suspend broadcasting of package and remove information on this situation from website.  

Except for it, plaintiff demanded to make a rule of suspension of activity of defendants towards broadcasting, television channel and in social networks of this dispute, prior to settlement of dispute in court; due to the fact that "editorial staff continued shooting and prepare for air of talk show "Nasha Pravda".


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