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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Blocking of Internet-portal ratel.kz

21 september 2015

The Internet-portal www.ratel.kz was created by famous journalists Sapa Mekebaev, Gennadiy Benditskiy and Marat Asipov. The website has over thirty thousands visitors and more than, one hundred thousand viewes every day. Neither online media, nor its founders had some charging orders and administrative penalties.

After blocking of www.ratel.kz, its creators created new domain namewww.itau.kz, but this website was blocked some hours later.

A well-known journalist, owner of domain name www.ratel.kz Gennadiy Benditskiy has made an appeal and sent it to Head of Joint-stock Company “Kazakhtelecom”, Chairman of Committee of National Security of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Prosecutor-General of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This appeal remains unanswered up to date. The Director of LLP “ITAU”, owner of Internet-portal www.ratel.kz Marat Asipov has requested Head of National Chamber of Entrepreneurs “Atameken”, in order to conduct an investigation; there was same reaction of it.

Journalists of website www.ratel.kz said: “it took approximately six minutes, in order to deal with every new IP-address, on what we go to the open access. From the look of things, personal employee was selected in order to keep watch over us. But, we are already on the “online”. They created new group “Friends of website www.ratel.kz” in social networkfacebook , https://www.facebook.com/groups/911418695560588/.

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