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Court has made rule It imposed suspended magazine “ADAM” on recovery of KZT50000000

15 september 2015

There was a trial in Bostandyk District Court on September 08, 2015. The Deputy for Chairman of Committee of National Security of the Republic of Kazakhstan, General-Major Kabdulkarim Abdikazimov has filed a suit bout protection of honour and dignity.

The charges originated from article “Completion tour of duty of general of national security environment” by editorial staff which was published on August 14, 2015. There was inaccurate information of sources of magazine; editorial staff has presented apologies and published retraction. But, Kabdulkarim Abdikazimov did not assuage; he demanded that court would impose editor-in-chief of edition and director of LLP “ADAMDAR” Ayan Sharipbaev on recovery of KZT50000000 (1USD=245.02); he intended to transfer these money to the children's home.

The judge A. T. Abaideldinova has satisfied demands of Kabdulkarim Abdikazimov in full volume.

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