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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Suit in the amount of KZT10000000 was brought against newspaper "Version" behind arrest of editor-in-chief

18 june 2015

Teachers demanded KZT10000000 (1USD=186.05) from newspaper "Version" as moral damage compensation and publication of refutation from journalist. A year ago, in June, 2014  correspondent of independent newspaper "Version" (Pavlodar) Alfiya Tashimova has covered lawsuit between deputy head teacher and teacher of secondary school № 27. She told about core of school conflict and put forward points of view of both parties. The court has settled a dispute in favour of deputy head teacher R. Zhakupova , newspaper has published article "Deputy head teacher is pure". A year ago, deputy head teacher R. Zhakupova and also, schoolmaster № 27 Zhumabek Asylov, they filed a suit about protection of honour, dignity and business reputation. The deputy head teacher thought, that words of her opponent which were mentioned in article (in particularly, this article was published a year ago) tarnished her honour and dignity, schoolmaster was unsatisfied by lines from article "however, suit would be finished, business reputation of  secondary school № 27 and educational system of Pavlodar was tainted. We would like to remind you, that over the past number of months, newspaper "Version" is in the public eye because of arrest of its editor-in-chief Yaroslav Golyshkin.


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