Editor-in-chief of magazine "ADAM bol" Guljan Ergalieva has made statement resulting from her hunger-strike
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
of the Senate of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan
K. J.
of the Majilis of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan
K. Mami
On January 26, 2015 the staff office of requests support for editor-in-chief of magazine "ADAM bol" Guljan Ergalieva has made and spread an appeal.
"Today is 26 January, 2015 it is the eighth day from moment of beginning of a hunger-strike of editor-in-chief of magazine "ADAM bol" Guljan Ergalieva. She had to go to the length of protest against unjustified reprisal against edition and its heads namely:
-with absolute abuse of norms of substantive and procedural law, magazine "ADAM bol" was closed;
-court of the third instance has made a decree towards common civil dispute, it amounted to waste and bankruptsy of media owner (in particularly, LLP "ADAMDAR") ("PEOPLE");
Some active efforts took a place; it was done to bankrupt LLP "ADAMDAR" ("PEOPLE"), its founders under the pretence of execution of judgment; personal property of director of this LLP, members of his family, relatives and even absolute bystanders was seized.Guljan Ergalieva has written some appeals and them to the General Prosecutor's Office and Supreme Court of the RePublic of Kazakhstan. It was done to achieve restoration of justice. But, Prosecutor-General of the Republic of Kazakhstan A. Daulbaev did not satisfy her demands. It was connected with investigation of matters, concerning official violations of judge A. Abisheva during trials, related to closure of magazine "ADAM bol". Prosecutor's Office of Almaty has ignored it. It should control and investigate illegal actions of justice officer of Medeu District with regard to LLP "ADAMDAR" ("PEOPLE") and its founders. The executive, law-enforcement agencies and department of health have been informed timely about hunger-strike of Guljan Ergalieva, according to provisions of law.
This hunger-strike attracted public attention of the civil society, media outlets and journalists, including foreign ones. Regular citizens and public associations of Kazakhstan voiced their support upon a request of G. Ergalieva. Some international human rights organizations expressed their deep concern of situation around magazine "ADAM bol" and freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. But, none of authorized persons from prosecutor's office, justice and city court was interested in satisfaction of demands of G. Ergalieva.
Today, health status of G. Ergalieva is breaking down noteworthily. She was reduced by eight kilogram(mes). Doctors diagnosticated changes in her heart; her arterial blood pressure has been unstable. They informed about possible and significant deterioration of health of G. Ergalieva. The state authority of Kazakhstan should immediately react on her appeal, found republican interdepartmental commission. This commision should in details investigate matters of reprisal against new independent edition and its creators.
This appeal
was signed by Tamara
Kaleyeva, Rozlana Taukina, Galym Ageleuov, Marzhan Aspandiyarova, Ramaza
Esergepov, Amirzhan Kosanov, Rysbek Sarsenbaiuly, Andrei Sviridov and
Bakhytzhan Toregozhina.