Trial on magazine "ADAM bol" Judge has ruled This rule was published yesterday
The proceeding of Board of Appeals of Almaty City Court, concerning complaint of editorial staff of closed magazine "ADAM bol" has been terminated hardly begun. It should be held on February 05, 2015. The presided judge Y.T. Nabiev openned it, he found out, that representatives of plaintiff and defendant were absented. The day before, court has received pleading of extension of time, resulting from sickness of representative of city akimat (district administration), who sued at law, presided judge awarded judgment, that next trial would be postponed on February 26, 2015.
Interestingly, that the day before, on February 04, 2015 at 19.00 p.m. a court clerk of judge Y.T. Nabiev phoned to editor-in-chief of magazine "ADAM bol" Guljan Ergalieva (in particularly, she went on indefinite hunger-strike from January 19, 2015). The court clerk informed about reschedule of trial for an indefinite term. Guljan Ergalieva has expressed her disagreement, concerning date of reschedule. The half an hour later, after that Almaty City Court has posted information on its website in section "Mediacenter. News" ( The appeal process of case on closure of magazine "ADAM bol" will be postponed on February 26, 2015.