Lawyer from Temirtau has brought action against editor-in-chief and journalist of newspaper "Vecherniya Gazeta" to court
11 november 2014
After publication of article Maya Blaschenko sent pre-trial complaint to the editorial office of newspaper "Vecherniya Gazeta" where she demanded to publish a disclaimer of the above-mentioned material. But, Maya Blaschenko did not mention where Ainur Balakeshova definitely conceded inaccuracy. In its response on pre-trial complaint, editorial staff sent a letter to lawyer, where they asked to elaborate all disputable fragments of publication. Also, editorial staff proposed to Maya Blaschenko articulate her point of view, concerning this situation. The lawyer initially agreed to give an interview, but she did not meet with journalists though they arranged about time and place of meeting. Ainur Balakeshova soon knew, that Maya Blaschenko has filed a suit against LLP "Editorial staff of newspaper "Vecherniya Gazeta", editor-in-chief Alexander Tumenev, correspondent of newspaper Ainur Balakeshova about protection of honour, dignity and business reputation. The lawyer demanded to publish a disclaimer of misleading and discrediting information towards her and recover KZT one million and eight hundred and thousand (1USD= 180.87) solidarily as compensation of moral damage compensation.