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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Trial on editor-in-chief of magazine "Anyz adam" ("Man of Legend") Zharylgap Kalybai was charged with excuse of extremism was launched

18 july 2014
July 18, 2014

On June 18, 2014 Interdistrict Specialized Administrative Court of Almaty which was chaired by judge D. Alybaev, it has launched trial. The Office of Administration under the Department of Internal Affairs of Almaty has filed a suit against editor-in-chief of magazine "Zhuldyzdar otbasy ("Family of Stars")Anyz adam" ("Man of Legend")№ 8, 2014 Zharylgap Kalybai.

The charges originated from infamous April issue of magazine which was devoted to person Adolf Hitler. The Expert of Center of Forensic Expertise under Ministry of Justice N. Mukanova has determined, that one of the materials of magazine "Zhuldyzdar otbasy ("Family of Stars")Anyz adam" ("Man of Legend") under title “Adolf Hitler – is not a fascist” had signs of excuse of extremism. On that ground, Department of Internal Affairs (Almaty) has charged Zh. Kalybai under article 344 p.2 of Code of Administrative Offences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Appeared before the court, specialist-linguist, candidate of Philological Sciences Rakhilya Karymsakova made her expert study, she concluded, that articles of magazine "Zhuldyzdar otbasy ("Family of Stars")Anyz adam" ("Man of Legend")№ 8, 2014 had no signs of excuse of extremism.

The next trial will be held on July 24, 2014. The request of lawyers of Zh. Kalybai, concerning summons to court of Expert of Center of Forensic Expertise under Ministry of Justice N. Mukanova was granted.
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