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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Search in editorial office of Internet-portal "16/12"

9 june 2014
June 09, 2014

On June 09, 2014 over ten officers of financial police of Astana burst into correspondet office of Internet-portal "16/12" (Astana). The correspondent of Internet-portal "16/12" Sanat Urnaliev informed, that they provided search warrant of prosecutor of Almaty, in order to make a search within the criminal case with regard to PLC "Producerskiy Center "Panorama" i "Rakurs" ("Producer Center "Panorama" and "Angle"). The criminal case was opened under article 193 "Legalization of Monetary Funds or Other Property Obtained Illegally" of Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The procedure of search will be launched upon arrival of lawyer of Internet-portal "16/12".

Officers of financial police intended to find out some details on probable "cooperation" of Internet-portal "16/12" with PLC "Producerskiy Center "Panorama" i "Rakurs" ("Producer Center "Panorama" and "Angle") and its "participation" in illegal laundering of monetary funds.

We would like to remind you, about conduction of investigative actions under this case with regard to Public Foundation "Aman-Saulyk" earlier.
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