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Man can be imprisoned up to twelve years for spreading of rumours

1 april 2014
April 01, 2014

PA "Novosti-Kazakhstan" informed, that Committee of Majilis of Parliament Under the Law and Judicial and Legal Reform at its session discussed an issue on draft preparation of new edition of Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the second reading on April 01, 2014.

"We dealt with spreading of rumours, concerning bankruptcy of some banks. These rumours broke banking system significantly. Kazakhstan's people were seized with panic, they withdrew their money from accounts of these banks uncontrollably. The special article shall operate on this issue. Such rumours should not be spread. The article for spreading of rumours is very serious and severe, because it is grave offence- particularly, Deputy Prosecutor General Johann Merkel stated.

PA "Novosti-Kazakhstan" informed afterwards Johann Merkel on the margins of the session said, that term of punishment for such crimes carries punishment of up to twelve years of imprisonment.

"The new article will operate not only in a case of spreading of rumours, concerning banking system, but also in a case of spreading of rumours, as it was in Russia before Olympiad when security measures supposedly were not taken properly, or events in Taraz when dum was burst supposedly and in the night, inhabitants had to leave their flats and houses. In this case, when false rumours are disseminated, it entails violation of public order and security, the article will operate"- noted Johann Merkel".
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