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Trial of prosecutorial suit on closure of newspaper "Pravdivaya Gazeta" was launched

12 february 2014
February 12, 2014

The first lawsuit of prosecutorial suit which was filed against newspaper "Pravdivaya Gazeta" was launched in Bostandyk District Court on February 12, 2013 in Almaty. The General Prosecutor's Office has insisted on suspension of publication of edition.

The Public Prosecutor, who participated in trial Baurzhan Zhamakayev made reference to, that in 2013 newspaper "Pravdivaya Gazeta" was instituted administrative proceedings for violation of order of pronouncement of data out three times. The newspaper representative Ramazan Yesergepov during a trial proved, that all three violations have not been repeated ones. The editorial staff of newspaper took measures in order to remedy breaches between each violation. None petition of lawyer was satisfied.

The next trial will be held on February 14 at 16.00 p.m.

The newspaper "Pravdivaya Gazeta" - is an independent edition, first issue was published in April of 2013. You can see chronicle of prosecutions of this printed edition:




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