Apartment of journalist from Astana Valeriy Surganov was searched
19 december 2013
December 19, 2013
The apartment of Head of Internet-project Insiderman Valeriy Surganov was searched. It was done on a base of order which was signed by Prosecutor of Saryarka District of Astana Serikbayev on December 18, 2013. Officers of Department of Internal Affairs took a system unit of old computer, official letters-requests from website and responses on them from state agencies. On December 18, 2013 at 23.00 p.m. flat of political and public figure Musagali Duambekov was searched. The day before, (in particularly, on December 14, 2013) system programmer, administrator of website www.insiderman.kz was searched. They seized all computer equipment and made him to provide paroles of administration access to website.
These searches were made within scope of criminal case, opened by suit of judge Daniya Kisikova. She decided, that some publications which were posted on the website www.insiderman.kz and fallen within scope of p.3 article 343 "Slander with Regard to a Judge, Prosecutor, Investigator, a Person Carrying out an Inquest, Bailiff, or Executor" of Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan; it subjected to criminal penalty up to four years of imprisonment. However, Valeriy Surganov has refused to disclose information sources and authors of publications; criminal case was opened against "unidentified persons".
This criminal case was opened after some publications which were posted on the website www.insiderman.kz, concerning trial on rape of a young girl, who was raped by two fellows.
The apartment of Head of Internet-project Insiderman Valeriy Surganov was searched. It was done on a base of order which was signed by Prosecutor of Saryarka District of Astana Serikbayev on December 18, 2013. Officers of Department of Internal Affairs took a system unit of old computer, official letters-requests from website and responses on them from state agencies. On December 18, 2013 at 23.00 p.m. flat of political and public figure Musagali Duambekov was searched. The day before, (in particularly, on December 14, 2013) system programmer, administrator of website www.insiderman.kz was searched. They seized all computer equipment and made him to provide paroles of administration access to website.
These searches were made within scope of criminal case, opened by suit of judge Daniya Kisikova. She decided, that some publications which were posted on the website www.insiderman.kz and fallen within scope of p.3 article 343 "Slander with Regard to a Judge, Prosecutor, Investigator, a Person Carrying out an Inquest, Bailiff, or Executor" of Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan; it subjected to criminal penalty up to four years of imprisonment. However, Valeriy Surganov has refused to disclose information sources and authors of publications; criminal case was opened against "unidentified persons".
This criminal case was opened after some publications which were posted on the website www.insiderman.kz, concerning trial on rape of a young girl, who was raped by two fellows.