Editorial staff of blocked www.guljan.org and «ADAM reader's» flied to general public for support
6 august 2013
August 06, 2013
Editorial staff of the website www.guljan.org and weekly bulletin"ADAM reader's" has made an appeal to Kazakhstan's and foreign media outlets; embassies of democratic countries in the Republic of Kazakhstan, international organizations for protection of freedom of speech and rights of journalists.
Journalists inform:
"Editorial staff of the website www.guljan.org and weeky bulletin "ADAM reader's" is still blocked by authority; it prohibited printing houses to print our edition from mid June and groundless blockade of the website from July 27, 2013.
Police and General Prosecutor's Office (in particular, where we filed almost two months ago, in order to make known agency and its employees, who intimidated managers of printing houses (one was shot from traumatic pistol) are inactive up to now. Investigative officers say, that they are very busy or they do not response on our statements.
Representative offices of "Kazakhtelecom" – are providers of Internet of our website for Kazakhstan's Internet-users; we sent letters-requests, concerning groundless blocking of the website www.guljan.org do not response on them and, in telephone conversation they categorically deny their implication to this situation.
So, we deal with illegal and corruption methods of suppression of the independent editions, website www.guljan.org and weekly bulletin"ADAM reader's". As a result of it, during nine months (beginning from the first cases of closure of website and obstucle of publication of our bulletin in December, 2012), editorial staff was debarred from implementation of their professional duties and numerous readers were failed to receive information freely.
We would remind you that, on December 05, 2012 Bostandyk District Court has suspended functioning of Internet-newspaper www.guljan.org for three months. On December 24, 2012, lawyer of this edition has discharged the ruling, according to petition. Three days later, the other court continued prosecution of independent Internet-resource. On December 27, 2012 Medeu District Court of Almaty has suspended functioning of website www.guljan.org for three months; it satisfied a suit of Public Prosecutor of Medeu District which was filed against editorial staff of Internet-resource and its editor-in-chief Guljan Ergalieva.
Public Prosecutor has explained his demands. A year ago, article “Why I shall come up to monument of Abay on January 28” was posted on the website on January 21, 2012. This article had videos. In Public Prosecutor's opinion these videos called to participation of unlawful protest, plaintiff has regarded it as materials with calls to commitment of administrative offences. Three month term of suspension of the website www.guljan.org was expired in March, 2013. The popular Internet-edition was officially unblocked only on July 03, 2013.
All printed houses of Kazakhstan and publishing houses of the Russian Federation dismissed to print weekly bulletin "ADAM reader's" beginning from 13th issue.
It is impossible to explain the situation around our editorial staff. We think, that it was a result of abuse of power. Journalists fly to Kazakhstan's and international general public for support and protection, because their rights to freedom of speech and creation were not protected by legal methods.
Editorial staff of the website www.guljan.org and weekly bulletin"ADAM reader's" has made an appeal to Kazakhstan's and foreign media outlets; embassies of democratic countries in the Republic of Kazakhstan, international organizations for protection of freedom of speech and rights of journalists.
Journalists inform:
"Editorial staff of the website www.guljan.org and weeky bulletin "ADAM reader's" is still blocked by authority; it prohibited printing houses to print our edition from mid June and groundless blockade of the website from July 27, 2013.
Police and General Prosecutor's Office (in particular, where we filed almost two months ago, in order to make known agency and its employees, who intimidated managers of printing houses (one was shot from traumatic pistol) are inactive up to now. Investigative officers say, that they are very busy or they do not response on our statements.
Representative offices of "Kazakhtelecom" – are providers of Internet of our website for Kazakhstan's Internet-users; we sent letters-requests, concerning groundless blocking of the website www.guljan.org do not response on them and, in telephone conversation they categorically deny their implication to this situation.
So, we deal with illegal and corruption methods of suppression of the independent editions, website www.guljan.org and weekly bulletin"ADAM reader's". As a result of it, during nine months (beginning from the first cases of closure of website and obstucle of publication of our bulletin in December, 2012), editorial staff was debarred from implementation of their professional duties and numerous readers were failed to receive information freely.
We would remind you that, on December 05, 2012 Bostandyk District Court has suspended functioning of Internet-newspaper www.guljan.org for three months. On December 24, 2012, lawyer of this edition has discharged the ruling, according to petition. Three days later, the other court continued prosecution of independent Internet-resource. On December 27, 2012 Medeu District Court of Almaty has suspended functioning of website www.guljan.org for three months; it satisfied a suit of Public Prosecutor of Medeu District which was filed against editorial staff of Internet-resource and its editor-in-chief Guljan Ergalieva.
Public Prosecutor has explained his demands. A year ago, article “Why I shall come up to monument of Abay on January 28” was posted on the website on January 21, 2012. This article had videos. In Public Prosecutor's opinion these videos called to participation of unlawful protest, plaintiff has regarded it as materials with calls to commitment of administrative offences. Three month term of suspension of the website www.guljan.org was expired in March, 2013. The popular Internet-edition was officially unblocked only on July 03, 2013.
All printed houses of Kazakhstan and publishing houses of the Russian Federation dismissed to print weekly bulletin "ADAM reader's" beginning from 13th issue.
It is impossible to explain the situation around our editorial staff. We think, that it was a result of abuse of power. Journalists fly to Kazakhstan's and international general public for support and protection, because their rights to freedom of speech and creation were not protected by legal methods.