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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Journalists of forbidden newspaper "Respublika" were exposed to threats

10 july 2013
July 10, 2013

The former employees of universal media "Respublika" (in particular, it was closed more than six months ago) Oxana Makushina and Sergei Zalepukhin made a statement on facts of regular threats from unknown persons, who introduced themselves as security service agents with regard to journalists of the closed editions.

On July 10, 2013 at press conference Oxana Makushina said about regular telephone calls, meetings with threats, intimidation and attempts to hook. Recently, some employees and their relatives have received teleohone calls. We can not retire anywhere, but they want only one thing, that we will retire and suspend to implement our professional activity practically. She has also said about pressure upon her and her husband. The correspondent of closed edition Sergey Zalepukhin has told about threats with regard to him. A week ago man came up to me, he introduced himselves as agent. He was delegated allegedly by "influence men" and did not elaborate, who they have been. But, I understood from conversation, that this refers to national security environments (in particular, Committee of National Security or Financial Police).

The other editorial employees noted surveillance and collection of information; sured that they dealt with national security environments. Journalists called "treffs and paroles" of those, who provided it: mobile phones 87476883272 (a man, who introduced himself Nurlan), 87786192153 (a man, who introduced himself Zhandos), 87755891407 (a man, who introduced himself Bakhtiyar).

Oxana Makushina said in conclusion: "Do us a favor and get off our back!" Committee of National Security or Financial Police should fulfill their professional duties (in particular, catch corruptionists and terrorists). They get money from tax payers not for that, they shoot for journalists.

The President of International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech "Adil Soz" Tamara Kaleyeva, who participated in press conference, she reminded about surveillance, prior to attempted murder of journalist from Uralsk Lukpan Akhmedyarov; the sentence would be pronounced to the defendants. T. Kaleyeva proposes to journalists if a major threat arises, they immediately call to police in line with article 112 of Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. They should also, call to police, Committee of National Security, General Prosecutor's Office and insist on investigation, searching of guilty persons and punishment of them. None should threat without any reasons. We should use all capabilities of legal sphere. If we fold, of course we shall lose.
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