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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Guljan Ergalieva has said about blocking of website www.adambol.com

27 may 2013
May 27, 2013

The editor-in-chief of website www.nuradam.kz Guljan Ergalieva has filed a claim to Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Inspection of Communication and Information of Committee of Communication and Information (Almaty, Almaty Oblast), MTC RK and CCTC "Almatytelecom" in connection with blocking of the website www.adambol.com. This Internet-resource was created after that, when website www.nuradam.kz was blocked from April 26 to 29, 2013. The administration of website has registered new domain adambol.com out of domain zone KZ and ported the whole content and design of blocked resource there. The automatic readdressing to website www.adambol.com during typing of address nuradam.kz in command line. It was done for retention of audience.

According to information from claim at 18.00 p.m. from May 24 to 27, 2013 by unknown reasons access to Internet-resource www.adambol.com was closed by JSC "Kazakhtelecom". Owners of website have received such finding after repeated control of blocking source on monitoring platform http://ping-admin.ru/, demonstrated that the domain was blocked by communication operator only, within territory of Kazakhstan. It was possible to visit the website with the help of anonymizers. There was a lack of technical hitches in the function of portal. Except for it, specialists changed IP-address of the website; but access to resource was not renewed. Owners of Internet-resource concluded that the portal was blocked to domain name adambol.com.

Administration of website informed that the same method was used during illegal blocking of previous Internet-resource of Guljan Ergalieva www.guljan.org which was closed, according to judgment of 2012 (in particular, its functioning was suspended for three months but it was not restored by Kazakhstan's authority upon the expiry of the term of sanction.

"... The prosecution of our journalistic activity on the side of Kazakhstan's state bodies is continued with periodical illegal interference to activity of our Internet-editions, not only in a judicial procedure, but often lockout of access to our Internet-resources with the help of Ministry of Transport and Communications and also, JSC "Kazakhtelecom". This disconnection is performed without any suits, judgments suddenly and in secret"- stated in her appeal to media outlets and international organizations Guljan Ergalieva.

She points out, that recovery of our Internet-edition www.nuradam.kz (alias, www.adambol.com) is blocked by order of political leadership of the Republic of Kazakhstan (other cause can not be) services of Ministry of Transport of Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan and JSC "Kazakhtelecom" which owned to it.
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