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There was promulgation of list of foreign media outlets which were registered in Kazakhstan

24 january 2013
January 24, 2013

65 foreign television channels were registered, they would be spread in cable networks of Kazakhstan. This information was posted on the website of Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan upon a request of National Association of Television and Radio Broadcasters of Kazakhstan.

This list consists of numerous television channels which did not broadcast earlier in Kazakhstan, for example, "Belarus-TV" ,"TV 1000-Action". At the same time there is a lack of popular television channels, for example, Euronews , Nickelodeon , ВВС and some other ones; probably, they were not registered.

Foreign television channels have to be registered till March 02, 2013. National Association of Television and Radio Broadcasters of Kazakhstan informed that term for registration of foreign television channels must be be prolongated.
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