Editorial staff of website www.guljan.org could make use of its office freely but Internet-resource was still blocked
22 january 2013
January 22, 2013
On January 22, 2013 Judge of Medeu District Court of Almaty B. Tazhikhanov has released building from attachment. This office was rented by editorial staff of the website www.guljan.org. The office was seized, because they did not execute court decision dated 09 December, 2011.They had to recover KZT5000000 (1USD=150.50) Saltanat Akhanova (she was a wife of Kayirat Kozhamzharov, who held a position of Head of Financial Police at that time), according to suit which was filed against website www.guljan.org and editor-in-chief Guljan Ergalieva.
On November 22, 2012 Saltanat Akhanova has filed a lawsuit in court; KZT5000000 (1USD=150.50) it was amount which Guljan Ergalieva had to recover Saltanat Akhanova, according to court decision, but these funds were transfered to account of children's home № 1 of Almaty. The administration of children's home has expressed its disagreement that this amount would be transfered by instalments, in December, 2012, they filed a claim to Medeu District Court to seize a building, where editorial office was placed, prior to transfer of KZT5000000 (1USD=150.50) to children's home.
In January, 2013 G. Ergalieva has transfered KZT5000000 (1USD=150.50) to account of children's home. In its turn, the administration of children's home has withdrawn a suit.
It was only one episode from continued series of trials of the website www.guljan.org.
We would remind you that, on December 04, 2012 Judge of Bostandyk District Court of Almaty A. Abaygeldinova has made a ruling of ban on "placement, issue and dissemination of materials (in particular, it did not depend on authorship) on Internet-resource www.guljan.org and also, on suspension of access to Internet-resource. This ruling was made to secure a suit of Public Prosecutor of Bostandyk District of Almaty on suspension of functioning of website for three months. The very core of the suit in court ruling was not mentioned. On December 24, 2012, according to petition ruling on suspension of issue of Internet-resource was dismissed.
On December 27, 2012 Medeu District Court has suspended the functioning of website for three months; it satisfied a suit of Public Prosecutor of Medeu District. He gave reasons for his suit that one year ago, the article "Why I will go to the monument of Abay on January 28, 2012" with video clips which was posted on the website. In his opinion's they called for participation in "unsanctioned protest action", that plaintiff interpreted as materials which had calls for committment of administrative offences".
At present time, this court ruling is appealed in Almaty City Court. The website www.guljan.org is still out of access.
On January 22, 2013 Judge of Medeu District Court of Almaty B. Tazhikhanov has released building from attachment. This office was rented by editorial staff of the website www.guljan.org. The office was seized, because they did not execute court decision dated 09 December, 2011.They had to recover KZT5000000 (1USD=150.50) Saltanat Akhanova (she was a wife of Kayirat Kozhamzharov, who held a position of Head of Financial Police at that time), according to suit which was filed against website www.guljan.org and editor-in-chief Guljan Ergalieva.
On November 22, 2012 Saltanat Akhanova has filed a lawsuit in court; KZT5000000 (1USD=150.50) it was amount which Guljan Ergalieva had to recover Saltanat Akhanova, according to court decision, but these funds were transfered to account of children's home № 1 of Almaty. The administration of children's home has expressed its disagreement that this amount would be transfered by instalments, in December, 2012, they filed a claim to Medeu District Court to seize a building, where editorial office was placed, prior to transfer of KZT5000000 (1USD=150.50) to children's home.
In January, 2013 G. Ergalieva has transfered KZT5000000 (1USD=150.50) to account of children's home. In its turn, the administration of children's home has withdrawn a suit.
It was only one episode from continued series of trials of the website www.guljan.org.
We would remind you that, on December 04, 2012 Judge of Bostandyk District Court of Almaty A. Abaygeldinova has made a ruling of ban on "placement, issue and dissemination of materials (in particular, it did not depend on authorship) on Internet-resource www.guljan.org and also, on suspension of access to Internet-resource. This ruling was made to secure a suit of Public Prosecutor of Bostandyk District of Almaty on suspension of functioning of website for three months. The very core of the suit in court ruling was not mentioned. On December 24, 2012, according to petition ruling on suspension of issue of Internet-resource was dismissed.
On December 27, 2012 Medeu District Court has suspended the functioning of website for three months; it satisfied a suit of Public Prosecutor of Medeu District. He gave reasons for his suit that one year ago, the article "Why I will go to the monument of Abay on January 28, 2012" with video clips which was posted on the website. In his opinion's they called for participation in "unsanctioned protest action", that plaintiff interpreted as materials which had calls for committment of administrative offences".
At present time, this court ruling is appealed in Almaty City Court. The website www.guljan.org is still out of access.