Legislative innovations: religious literature is distributed as erotic one and other
15 january 2013
January 15, 2013
International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech “Adil Soz” has made monitoring of legislative changes to information sphere in the second half of 2012.
In general, the state authority has issued decrees, orders and disposals. The government of Kazakhstan has made decree on establishment of one more organization (in particular, Center of Analysis and Information) in Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
All oblast akimats (district administration) have issued orders which regulated the distribution of religious literature only, in special fixed premise and e.g. The same restrictions were destined for printed matters which published sensuality (article 14 of law “On Mass Media”)
In autumn, akimat (district administration) has established Public Council of Media Affairs. Printed matters of Almaty will not have problems, because the Council was aimed at execution of its mission.
Financial Police of Kazakhstan expressed its concern of its reputation among Kazakh people and approved “Conception of Image Policy of Financial Police of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. It was aimed at “creature of conceptual bases of further formation of positive public opinion enforcement of trust of population to bodies of financial police, formation of stable system of moral principles oath of fealty, patriotism and professional ethics”.
Most of documents which were adopted during last six months they were related to regulation of television and radio broadcasting.
You may read full text of monitoring of legislative changes to information sphere in the second half of 2012 on http://www.adilsoz.kz/law-and-mass-media/legislation/monitoring-izmenenij/monitoring-izmenenij-zakonodatelstva-v-informacionnoj-sfere-vo-vtorom-polugodii-2012-goda/.