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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Trial related to case of editor-in-chief of newspaper "Vzglyad" concealed from public

26 january 2012
Trial related to case of editor-in-chief of newspaper "Vzglyad" concealed from public

The trial, related to change the detention to recognizance not to leave to the editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Vzglyad" I. Vinyavskiy should be on January 26, 2012 in Almaly District Court № 1 of Almaty. His detention in custody expires in 72 hours on January 26, 2012.

The day before, editorial staff of the newspaper "Vremya" has distributed a copy of order on institution of criminal proceedings against I. Vinyavskiy. The reason for institution of criminal proceedings has been a record to registration book of records, dated on May 13, 2010. On April 23, 2010 officers of Department of Internal Affairs have stopped a car. There were two boxes with leaflets (total number 3892 copies) with text "Kyrgyzstan has been a free country from theivish Bakievs. It is enough, now take to dump" in Kazakh language and with translation in Russian in trunk. There were Kiykbayev, Nurmukhambetov and Abultakhin in a car. Pre-trial control acknowledge their contact with I. Vinyavskiy supposedly. But,  order on institution of criminal proceedings against I. Vinyavskiy had no number and citizens in a car had no any relation to leaflets and Igor Vinyavskiy.

The trial has not been at the fixed time, journalists contacted with lawyer of I. Vinyavskiy Gennadiy Nam. They knew that the trial in isolation ward of KNB and it would be closed one.

Human rights defenders, journalists and supporters of I. Vinyavskiy waited for events at the entry of investigative isolation ward till 18.30 p.m.; they could not either collect the information.
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