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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Kazakhstan takes 154-th place of 179 ones in press freedom index 2011

25 january 2012
January 25, 2012

The organization "Reporters Without Borders" has made press freedom index all over the world for 2011-2012.

Several countries share first place in the index again. This year it is Finland, Norway, Estonia and Netherlands again share first place. In recent years, Reporters Without Borders drew particular attention to the three countries that were always in the last three positions – Eritrea, North Korea and Turkmenistan.

The contrast among the three Baltic countries sharpened. Estonia (3rd) stayed at the top of the index, but Lithuania and Latvia fell to 30th and 50th respectively as a result of grotesque court rulings and increased interference by the security services.

Kazakhstan's ranking (154th) improved only because so many other countries plunged on the index this year. In reality, in a bid to maintain a facade of stability at all costs, the Kazakh authorities have stepped up their persecution of the few independent voices and are trying to gain control of the Internet.

Press Freedom Index is made from 2002. It is compiled from 50 criteria such as, "violence against journalists" (murder, kidnapping, threats, imprisonment and etc.) and "violence against media outlets" (censorship, seizure of circulation and etc.).

15 public organizations act as experts, which are specializing in monitoring of problems with freedom of speech and about 150 journalists, who work in different spots of the globe.

Position of Kazakhstan in Press Freedom Index:

Year Position of Kazakhstan in Press Freedom Index Total number of counties, which participated in research
2002 116 139
2003 138 166
2004 131 167
2005 119 167
2006 128 168
2007 125 169
2008 125 173
2009 162 178
2010 162 173
2011-12 154 179
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