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Sanitary Epidemiological Station of Almaly district demands to suspend activity of video portal “STAN”

15 september 2011

September 15, 2011

On September 15, 2011 Specialized Inter District Economic Court of Almaty has postponed the case consideration by suit of Sanitary Epidemiological Station of Almaly district to LLP "Proizvodstvennaya Studiya Stan Prodakshn".

Internet- antennas have been set on roofs of buildings, where servicemen of video portal Stan.kz and LLP "Namystan" rented their offices. Certified equipment of providers such as, "ASTEL" and "DIGITAL-TV" (video portal Stan.kz and LLP "Namystan" held a contract with them) had a serious influence on the health of inhabitants of house.

Servicemen of Sanitary Epidimiolgical Station insisted on suspension of the activity of LLP "Proizvodstvennaya Studiya Stan Prodakshn" for violation of Code "On Public Health and Healthcare System" of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

There are violations:

-Servicemen of studio have been admitted to work without prior and periodical medical examination;

-Laboratory report (sound, lighting, micro climate and electromagnetic field) has not been represented;

-Sanitary-Epidemiological Conclusion of State Sanitary-Epidemiological Supervision.

The lawyer of Defendant Gennadiy Nam has said that the acting legislation did not provide obligatory attendance of medical examination by workers of this category.

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