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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Website of Gulzhan Ergalieva was blocked by Kazakhstan's DDoS-attacks

21 july 2011
July 21, 2011
In May, 2011 Gulzhan Ergalieva has made and promoted her own website www.guljan.org. after her resignment as editor-in-chief of popular newspaper "Svoboda Slova". However, website www.guljan.org. was blocked by Kazakhstan's DDoS-attacks.

Most of them are functioned in JSC "Almatytelecom", or "Kazakhtelecom". Gulzhan Ergalieva has been interested in reasons of DDoS-attacks and their impact on the website www.guljan.org. She thinks that it is connected with publicaion of materials, which critisize the state authority and officials (prosecutors, judges and akims (governors).

On July 21, 2011 G. Ergalieva has said that foreign specialists reconstructed Internet-resource.Website www.guljan.org. will not be functioned in KazNET.
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