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Editor-in-chief of newspaper "Vzglyad" Igor Vinyavskiy has filed suit against air company KLM and border service officers of Almaty airport

5 july 2011
July 05, 2011
On July 05, 2011 editor-in-chief of newspaper "Vzglyad" Igor Vinyavskiy has filed a suit against air company KLM and border service officers of Almaty airport.officers of border service withdrew the editor-in-chief of independent newspaper "Vzglyad" Igor Vinyavskiy from a flight and revoked his air ticket. He should fly to Brussels for participation in international conference "Central Asia: how to prevent and fight corruption". Representatives of air company KLM should recover KZT500000 (1USD=145.71) as moral damage compensation and officers of border service should comply with statutory requirements.
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