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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Editor-in-chief of newspaper "Vzglyad" Igor Vinyavskiy could not fly to conference of European Parliament

22 june 2011
June 22, 2011
On June 21, 2011 officers of border service withdrew the editor-in-chief of independent newspaper "Vzglyad" Igor Vinyavskiy from a flight and revoked his air ticket. He should fly to Brussels for participation in international conference "Central Asia: how to prevent and fight corruption".

A officer of border service began to doubt, concerning his Schengen Visa of Category D. Igor Vinyavskiy has obtained it in consulate of Poland in Almaty. He has already visited Poland and Belgium by this visa. But, he had no any problems with european officers of border services.

Igor Vinyavskiy said about violation of rights to freedom of travel and interference to his professional activity. He thought that this travel has been spoiled by officers of committee of national security intentionally.

Journalist has demanded the recovery of moral damage compensation from air company KLM and officers of committee of national security of th Republic of Kazakhstan.
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