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Assistant director of media holding "Rika-TV" demanded recovery of KZT1000000 from journalist Olga Klimonova as moral damage

14 june 2011
June 14, 2011
Director of Aktobe Branch Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law, Journalist Olga Klimonova has received a pre-trial claim from Assistant Director of Media Holding "Rika-TV" G. Orlov. The charges stemmed from article "Play a dirty trick on somebody-the joy of heart" by Klimonova. It was placed on the website of Aktobe Branch Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law.

In his pre-trial claim G. Orlov has said that journalist distributed untruth and discredited information.

In her article O. Klimonova has told about the detention of adherent of protestant church "Novyaya Zhizn" by policemen and G. Orlov has been a parishioner of protestant church by hearsay. It rented premises in building of media holding "Rika-TV".

Assistant Director of Media Holding "Rika-TV" G. Orlov has demanded the publication of a disclaimer and recovery of KZT1000000 (1USD=145.74) as moral damage compensation.
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