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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Trial for attack on Olesya Vertinskaya began in Atyrau

5 december 2022

Hearings of the criminal case on the attack on Olesya Vertinskaya, "Road Control" reporter began at Court No. 2 in Atyrau.

The attack took place on July 19 near Vertinskaya's house - an unknown young man hit the journalist hard in the face, and then started kicking her. The victim was diagnosed with an open displaced fracture of the nose. Olesya filed a complaint to the police.

Law enforcement body detained Mr.Mellyatov, a resident of Atyrau. He was charged with hooliganism ( Part 1 of Art. 293 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

At the court hearings on December 5, the defendant's lawyer asked to come to a procedural agreement, but Vertinskaya and her lawyer did not agree.

The hearing was rescheduled to December, 19. Olesya's lawyer asked for time to study the case files.

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