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The trial on Petropavlovsk journalists claim: the court considered recusal of the judge

14 november 2022

Petropavlovsk City Court continues to hear the case on interfering with the legal professional activities of journalists of the Khabar 24 TV.

Today the court considered the recusal of judge Asem Dzhanalina, filed on November 4 by Igor Grebenyuk, the lawyer of the defendant Sultan Sagandykov,  the head of the security service of the shopping center.

At the hearing on November 4, the lawyer again filed a motion to send the investigation back. He had filed the same motion earlier on October 10. But both times judge Asem Janalina denied the motions.

The lawyer believed that the rights of his client were violated, since Asem Dzhanalina denied his motion but added one more charge – damage to property.

Judge Almas Zhumagazin, that was considering the motion, denied it.

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