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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has taken control of the investigation of attacks on the editorial offices of ElMedia and Orda.kz

29 november 2022

Sanzhar Adilov, the head of the investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs took control of the investigation of attacks on the editorial offices of ElMedia and Orda.kz. Two suspects have already been detained in Almaty. At first they were accused of petty hooliganism against ElMedia, but later the investigating authorities clarified that it was hooliganism committed repeatedly by a group of individuals. The suspects faced two more charges  – interfering with the legal professional activity of a journalist and threats. The detainees have already pleaded guilty and according to the police, their guilt is confirmed by other facts.

"Adil soz" comments:

The fact that the investigation is progressing at such a rapid pace is a really good news. It is also encouraging that law enforcement agencies have recalled Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (interfering with  legal professional activity of a journalist), that in fact was out of use for all these years. But it really effective guarantee of the safety of journalists will be possible when the police will not wait for orders from above to protect media workers. Every week, the Adil Soz Foundation records dozens of violations of the rights of journalists. It is no use to count on the directives of higher authorities to solve each of those incidents. A real  article in the Criminal Code providing for serious responsibility for attacks on journalists would be much more effective. This will be a real increase in the status of a journalist instead of the privileges offered by the Ministry of Information and Social Development.

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