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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

The court in Western Kazakhstan region refused Russian companies in the lawsuit about copyright rights for a photo

15 may 2023

The Economic court in Western Kazakhstan region has made a decision to dismiss the lawsuit filed by the Russian LLC "Izdatelskaya VK-media group" against the owner of the Kazakh newspaper "Uralskaya nedelya" regarding the recovery of compensation for the usage of a photo as an object of copyright rights.

This particular Russian company has been making similar claims against various Kazakh media outlets for some time, alleging that their employee is the author of photos taken and posted on the internet more than 10 years ago. Despite the fact that the price for using similar photos from official Russian photo banks such as Lori.ru, Photogenica.ru, Pressfoto.ru, etc., is around 200 rubles (slightly over 1000 tenge), the plaintiff is seeking compensation from Kazakh media outlets that is 300-400 times higher.
In accordance with Article 8 of the Civil Code, nobody is entitled to benefit from their dishonest conduct, which is why the court may reject the person's claim to protect their rights.

The International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech"Adil soz" that provided legal support to the owner of the newspaper "Uralskaya nedelya", expresses sincere gratitude to the Kazakh judiciary for making a fair decision in defending freedom of speech against dishonest claims from foreign companies."

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