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Journalists of newspaper “Diapasone- Uralsk” could be dismissed they required raise of their salary

24 february 2010
Readers of the newspaper “Diapasone- Uralsk” could not buy it on February 24, 2010. The new issue of newspaper was not printed.  The staff of LLP “Rifma” took a decision. It has been owner of the edition. On February 23, 2010 Executive Secretary of the newspaper Marat Makhmetov has said about issue of the newspaper which would be published next day. He did not know about general situation in the newspaper.

Journalist of the newspaper “Diapasone- Uralsk” Zlata Udovichenko has said that the staff refused printing of new issue of the newspaper. It was connected with numerous requirements of the staff, concerning conditions of labor and raise of their salary.

She decided to inform readers of the newspaper “Diapasone- Uralsk” It has been her professional debt before them. The staff of newspaper tried to speak with their direction about normal conditions of labor. As a result of it direction made lower their salary. They warned their direction about dismissal of the editorial staff. The editorial staff completed their work on new issue of the newspaper. They were informed that the new issue of newspaper would not be published.

So, seven servicemen of the newspaper could be dismissed
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