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Staff of newspaper “Diapasone- Uralsk” informed that editorial staff frustrated issue of newspaper

24 february 2010
On February 24, 2010 editorial staff of the newspaper “Diapasone-Uralsk” required to raise the salary from their direction.   But, owner of the edition LLP “Rifma” did not publish next issue of the newspaper.

The direction of LLP “Rifma” informed about untruth information. They said that next issue of the newspaper was not published by guilt of editorial staff.

The newspaper “Diapasone-Uralsk” has been regional project of LLP “Rifma” (Aktobe). It has been non-profitable. But, the staff did not want to close it in spite of economic crisis. Servicemen of Uralsk branch had the same salary as their colleagues from Aktobe, but some of them had high ones.

The direction of LLP “Rifma” was informed about dismissal of editorial staff of the newspaper from Uralsk before publication of next issue of the newspaper on February 23, 2010. Scanned copies of applications were provided for foundation “Adil soz”. It was impossible to hire new servicemen in short terms. Owner of the newspaper decided to stop publication of non-profitable edition.
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