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It was possible to print newspaper “Respublika – delovoye obozrenie” but it was impossible to sell it

18 february 2010
Editorial staff of the newspaper “Respublika – delovoye obozrenie” made a statement.

Editorial staff of the newspaper “Respublika – delovoye obozrenie” received new ruling of Medeu District Department of Administration of Courts of Almaty on February 18, 2010. It was signed by Acting Senior Law Officer Makhmud Sadykov.

It was impossible distribution of printed newspaper “Respublika – delovoye obozrenie”. But, if editorial staff did not take into its account their output would be sealed and seized.

Acting Senior Law Officer Makhmud Sadykov decided to resort to ploys. Medeu District Court of Almaty has made judgment of his decision, because it has been illegal.

Editorial staff could print newspaper “Respublika – delovoye obozrenie”, but not sell it. There was the strange situation around it.
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