Сөз бостандығын қорғау халықаралық қоры
Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Editorial staff of newspaper “Respublika” hoped that professional solidarity will help to liquidate of blockade of printing houses

17 february 2010
The circulation of newspaper “Respublika” was done on office equipment. Readers received it in cut off and pinned form. Printing houses of the Republic of Kazakhstan could not print this newspaper. It was connected with prosecution. Printing House “Kometa S” was subjected to it.

Initiative group of journalistic organizations and media outlets have made an appeal, addressed to state power of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the request to solve this problem. This appeal was sent to media outlets of the Republic of Kazakhstan for making of professional solidarity and join to it.

There was a text of appeal. Please, see it below. If you agree with it, inform servicemen of the newspaper “Respublika” by email respublika_kz@list.ru about your signature. It will be sent to recipients in some days after collection of signatures.


Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Karim Masimov

State Secretary – Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kanat Saudabayev

Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kayrat Mami

Head of Administration of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Aslan Musin

Secretary of Council of Security of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Marat Tazhin

Minister of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Mukhtar Kul-Mukhamed

We are editors and journalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan apply for you on behalf of journalistic community of the Republic of Kazakhstan to solve problem, concerning printing of newspapers “Golos Respubliki” and “Moya Respublika”.

Newspapers “Golos Respubliki” and “Moya Respublika” should be printed on office equipment during six months. Printing houses of the Republic of Kazakhstan could not print them. They have been afraid to do it. Servicemen of printing houses thought that if they would print newspapers with title “Respublika” they will be controlled by law-enforcement organs.

This situation contravened to Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, International Treaty of Civil and Political Rights were ratified by Kazakhstan, Policy of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan for development of democratic and market processes.

There was a case when it was impossible to print and publish newspaper “Respublika” on territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan-Chairman of OSCE. Basic principles of OSCE have been as guarantees of ensuring of pluralism of opinions in the society and free distribution of information. Chairman of OSCE should not be adhered to these principles.

We call you for contribution to print newspapers “Golos Respubliki” and “Moya Respublika” by free way in any printing houses of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It was necessary to make an announcement about absence of prohibition against printing of these editions and all printing houses could print them escaping pressure of law-enforcement organs.

We hope that you will solve this problem and influence on printing houses.

Chairman of Board of Union of Journalists Seyitkazy Matayev.

President of International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech “Adil soz” Tamara Kaleyeva.

Chairman of Media Alliance of Kazakhstan Adil Jalilov.
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