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Temirtau Television Companies “TKT” and “43 kanal” were subjected to illegal control

15 february 2010
Two uniformed men came to Office of Television Companies “TKT” and “43 kanal” on February 12, 2010. They introduced with themselves as servicemen of migration police; asked Deputy for Director of Television Channel Anastasia Golovkina some questions, concerning former Head of Television Company Eugene Zavatskiy. Three unknown civilians came to there later.

They did not show their service certificates and legal documents of control conduction, but Golovkina refused to reply on their questions.

Captain of Migration Police took some copies of confidential documents of Television Company in spite of disagreements of Golovkina.

Deputy for Director of Television Companies ordered out police. They proposed to servicemen of migration police, three civilians and Golovkina to go to East Police Department of Temirtau. But, only Golovkina went to there. Servicemen of migration police and three civilians did not come to there.

Head of Television Company Eugene Zavatskiy submitted application to Regional Public Prosecutor M.D. Akhmetov and Head of Department of Internal Affairs of Caraganda oblast N.A. Rakhimberlin. He demanded to carry out of service investigation of above mentioned facts and establish the identity of persons, who implemented operative and search arrangements with violation of demands of acting legislation.
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