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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Complaints were made against Director of newspapers “Aktobe” and “Aktubinskiy vestnik” Meyirkhan Akdauletuly to General Prosecutor’s Office

11 february 2010
18 members of Organizational Committee of the Party “Alga!” made complaints to Regional Akim (Governor) and Public Prosecutor against Director of newspapers “Aktobe” and “Aktubinskiy vestnik” Meyirkhan Akdauletuly.

The complaints stemmed from public statement of Meyirkhan Akdauletuly on Disciplinary Council of Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan of State Service of Aktube region. There was consideration of facts of forced subscription for financed publications. Meyirkhan Akdauletuly has said that there were no any criminal actions in forced subscription.

Members of Organizational Committee thought that words of Meyirkhan Akdauletuly influenced on ethics of state officials and form of freedom of speech.
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