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Judge D. Makhmetova reversed her ruling against independent media outlets

9 february 2010
There was a legal proceeding in Medeu District Court of Almaty on February 09, 2010. It was connected with the statement of newspaper “Golos Respubliki” about reversal of ruling subjected to non-dissemination of materials, discredited honor and dignity of Timur Kulibayev.

Judge D. Makhmetova dismissed suit of T. Kulibayev and reversed her ruling against media outlets. There was non-compliance with the procedure of pre-trial conflict solution of the plaintiff.

Earlier, Deputy for Chairman of Board of Foundation “Samruk-Kazyna”, Chairman of Board of Directors of National Company “KazMunayGaz”, son-in-law of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Timur Kulibayev addressed to court with suit of admission of untruth information distributed by Mukhtar Ablyazov in mass media. M. Ablyazov published his appeal to state authority of Kazakhstan and China in some editions. He mentioned about facts of corruption, made by T. Kulibayev.

On February 01, 2010 Judge of Medeu District Court of Almaty D. Makhmetova has taken ruling. As a result of it there was seizure of output of newspapers “Respublika”, “Golos Respubliki”, “Vzglyad”, “Kursiv” and other information sources in paper and electronic form with information, discredited honor and dignity of Timur Kulibayev; other media outlets and persons were prohibited to publish and distribute such materials. It was necessary for making of stoppage of realization of printed, but not realized output, contained scandal information by judgment.

There was seizure and confiscation of newspapers “Respublika”, “Golos Respubliki” “Vzglyad” and other ones. Court officers referred to court order of Medeu District Court of Almaty; seized editions only for mention of surname Kulibayev during selling of these newspapers. Director of Printing House “Vremya-Print” Elena Burmistrova was brought to trial. Printing House published next issue of the newspaper “Svoboda Slova” according to contract.

Colleagues from different editions, leaders and activists of political parties came and supported journalists in the court on February 09, 2010. They thought that it was temporary triumph and did not exclude prosecution of independent media outlets by son-in-law will be remained in force.
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