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Newspapers which published information on suit of Timur Kulebayev were seized in Astana

8 february 2010
Editorial staffs of newspapers “Vzglyad” and “Respublika” distributed press release on February 08, 2010. There was information on seizure of circulation of newspapers “Vzglyad” and “Respublika” by court officers in newsstands “Kazpress” of Astana and on special tables.

They accounted newspapers, sealed them; gave newsmen of “Vzglyad” and “Respublika” a document, prohibited selling of newspapers.

Court officers implemented ruling of Medeu District Court of Almaty. It was impossible to disseminate materials, which discredited honor and dignity of Timur Kulibayev.

There was no any judgment of admission of materials, which discredited honor and dignity of Timur Kulibayev. Newspapers had a material, devoted to suit of Timur Kulebayev, addressed to independent editions.

As a result of it there was a ban to surname of Timur Kulebayev. There was one more sacred person in Kazakhstan.
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