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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Director of Printing House “Vremya-Print” Elena Burmistrova was brought to trial for information in newspaper “Svoboda slova”

8 february 2010
There was a consideration of administrative case in relation to Director of Printing House “Vremya-Print” Elena Burmistrova under article 522 p.2 “Interference into legal activity of public prosecutor, investigator, interrogating officer, justice serviceman and law enforcement representative” of Code of Administrative Violations in Specialized Administrative Court on February 08, 2010. This article provided punishment as a fine and arrest for ten days.

E. Burmistrova violated order of officer of justice about ban of publication and dissemination of media materials, discredited honor and dignity of Timur Kulibayev. Printed House made circulation of the newspaper “Svoboda Slova” with articles such as, “Is the second President Kulibayev?” and “Kazmunaygaz” is property of Timur Kulibayev”. There were materials, restricted by order of law enforcement representative.

Lawyer of E. Burmistrova insisted on examination of the case by proper way and completion of it from corpus delicti. However, judge sent this case to law enforcement representatives for rework.
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