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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Part of circulation of newspaper “Svoboda Slova” was seized from distributors

6 february 2010
Part of next issue of the newspaper “Svoboda Slova” was seized by court executive officers in some points of distribution on February 04, 2010. There was written order of Senior Executive Officer of Medeu District Department of Administrator of Courts of Almaty A. A. Yermekov about seizure and court order of Medeu District Court of Almaty on February 01, 2010.

On February 01, 2010 editorial staffs of newspapers “Respublika”, “Golos Respubliki”, “Vzglyad”, “Kursiv”; owners of these editions LLP “Letopis”, “IAC “Ayna” and “Kursiv News” received ruling and act of execution of Medeu District Court of Almaty.

As a result of it there will be seizure of mentioned editions and other tools of printed and electronic information, discredited honor and dignity of Timur Kulebayev. These media outlets and other ones and persons were prohibited to publish and distribute such information. It was necessary for making of stoppage of realization of printed, but not realized output, contained scandal information.

There was no any newspaper “Svoboda Slova” among defendants by this suit.

Chief Editor of the weekly “Svoboda Slova” Gulzhan Yergalieva has made a statement in connection with attempt of seizure of circulation. She thought that such actions of state power have been as a tool of media outlets’ liquidation in Kazakhstan and discrimination, which was directed against independent mass media.

She expressed her disagreement and protest against such discrimination as a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, journalist and editor-in-chief. Timur Kulibayev was free from criticism, but court a priori made him right.

Gulzhan Yergalieva has said about her civil disobedience, addressed to the ruling of Medeu District Court of Almaty, dated by February 01, 2010. She thought that it has been non-adequate in judicial and moral aspect and applied for Supreme Court to reverse this shabby and humiliating judgment.
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