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Issue of Uralsk newspaper “Zemlya I Ludi” was stopped

4 february 2010
The court № 2 of Uralsk has satisfied suit of Svetlana Larina to the newspaper “Zemlya I Ludi” and owner of the edition SP “Zolotaya Orda” about stoppage of this edition. The charges stemmed from article “Inherited house of Larins or where has been coparceny of child?” There was a fragment of the letter of S. Larina, addressed to her mother.

The court has took arguments into account of plaintiff that journalist of newspaper “Zemlya I Ludi” Katherine Makeyeva published a letter without permission of author and recipient. She violated privacy of personal correspondence.

The issue of newspaper “Zemlya I Ludi” was stopped on three months by judgment. The court № 2 of Uralsk considered two suits of this newspaper and publication.

Both plaintiffs demanded recovery of 2000000 tenge (each of them) as moral damage.
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