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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Journalists of newspapers “Svoboda slova” and “Diaposone” were detained by policemen during coverage of rally

1 february 2010
On January 30, 2010 policemen detained proper correspondent of the newspaper “Svoboda slova” Igor Kim (his pseudonym Igor Larra) and photo correspondent of the newspaper “Diaposone” (Aktobe) Maxim Tokar, who made a review about non-sanctioned rally of party “Azat” in Aktobe. Journalists showed their service certificates to police men. Igor Kim and Maxim Tokar explained that they have been on place, where the rally was carried out, making editorial order. Maxim Tokar was released in half an hour without explanation of reason of his detention. Igor Kim has been in Department of Internal Affairs of Zavodsk more three hours.
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