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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

President of Foundation “Journalists in Trouble” Rozlana Taukina was fined on fifty monthly assessment indices for participation in flash-mob

27 january 2010
Raushan Yesergepova was charged with violation of law “On Organization and Conduction of Peaceful Rallies, Pickets and Demonstrations” under article 373 of Code of Administrative Violations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Rozlana Taukina was charged with further violation of law “On Organization and Conduction of Peaceful Rallies, Pickets, Procession and Demonstrations” under article 373 p.3 of Code of Administrative Violations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The court has given a caution in her absence (on July 15, 2009) for her participation in arrangement to support independent mass media against restriction of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan on June 24, 2009. She knew about it some months ago.

Rozlana Taukina was unsatisfied by judgment. She will appeal against the judgment.
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