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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Raushan Yesergepova was sentenced in her absence

22 january 2010
The ruling was passed to Raushan Yesergepova in Specialized Inter District Administrative Court.

Raushan Yesergepova was charged with violation of law “On Organization and Conduction of Peaceful Rallies, Pickets and Demonstrations” under article 373 of Code of Administrative Violations of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The charges stemmed from her participation in flash-mob “Freedom to journalists, jailed for their professional activity” on January 06, 2010.

Court servicemen phoned to Raushan Yesergepova. They said to her that legal proceeding will be held on January 21, 2010. Raushan came to court, but she was said that the legal proceeding will be held on January 22, 2010. The judge has been off sick.

Raushan Yesergepova appeared in court on January 22, 2010. The decision (January 21, 2010) was given to her. This case was considered in her absence. Raushan Yesergepova was fined on five monthly assessment indices (7065 tenge/47USD).
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