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Court bound newspaper “Gorodskaya nedelya” of Pavlodar to recover 300000 tenge as moral damage

20 january 2010
There was a final legal proceeding between newspaper “Gorodskaya nedelya” and LLP “Specmashiny” on January 19, 2010.

On October 10, 2009 LLP “Specmashiny” addressed to Pavlodar City Court with suit about protection of business reputation and recovery of 100000 tenge (675,6USD) as moral damage to owner of the newspaper “Gorodskaya nedelya” – LLP “Nedelya-PV” to editorial staff of the newspaper and journalist Alexander Baranov.

The charges stemmed from article “Supervisory control in law”, published in the newspaper on July 22, 2009. The article has been about legal proceeding in Pavlodar by case of businessman Ramazan Zhumatayev, killed in spring 2008; about his business contacts, with heads of LLP “Specmashiny”. Journalist made an estimation of the activity of LLP “Specmashiny”.

But, employees of LLP “Specmashiny” thought that estimations of A. Baranov have been untruth and discredited ones.

The suit was satisfied partially. The court has bound newspaper “Gorodskaya nedelya” of Pavlodar to recover 300000 tenge as moral damage; editorial staff should pay 200000 tenge (2027USD) and journalist should pay 100000 tenge (675,6USD).

The judgment will be come to law-enforcement in fifteen days and appealed in regional court.
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